Advocacy meeting for ratification of ILO C190

Advocacy meeting for ratification of ILO C190
COTU (K) held a meeting today, at its Solidarity Center Headquarters, to discuss the plan for the Ratification of ILO C190.
During the ILO Conference of June 2019, COTU(K) teamed up with other trade unionists and social partners and adopted the international standard against violence and harassment at work, Convention 190 (C190) with its Recommendation 206.
Once ratified, it will commit countries to put in place policies and a legal framework to address violence and harassment at work.
This requires the government to ratify and domesticate C190 to curb violence in the world of work.
To achieve this, COTU(K) and its partners will work jointly to advocate for ratification and domestication.
To do this, COTU(K) will use an inclusive and integrated approach to lobby other organizations to join this course and to build consulted and collaborative efforts in lobbying for ratification and adoption of C190.
COTU(K) has already made significant steps to ensure that this is accomplished. So far, women committees at regional level have been trained on C109. This has increased their capacity to lobby for specific interventions that address discrimination, violence and harassment at work. 10 male champions have also been trained across the regions. This is anticipated to increase male participation in promoting women’s wellbeing in the work place.
COTU(K) will build on these efforts to lobby for ratification and to sustain efforts to ensure that C190 is realized in the world of work.
C190 refers to the world of work in ‘all sectors, whether private or public, both in the formal and informal economy, and whether in urban or rural areas’ (Art 2(2)).

Jacqueline Kamau

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