COTU-K at the Second High-Level Meeting (HLM2)

Kenya is the host of the Second High-Level Meeting (HLM2) – Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation (Global Partnership). This is an inclusive global forum bringing together a broad range of development actors to strengthen the quality, impact and effectiveness of development co-operation ensuring it has maximum impact on development results.
The COTU-K as member of ITUC will join the ITUC Delegation and will be actively engaged in the deliberation that will take place during the four days. The COTU-K Delegation at the Conference is led by Bro Ernest Nadome who is the 1st Assistant Secretary General others include Bro Isaiah Kubai Executive Board Member of COTU-K, Caroline Mugalla Executive Secretary of EATUC, Adams Barasa PA to the Secretary General of COTU(K), Jayne Njoki the Youth President for ITUC Africa and Dr. Jacob Omolo.
On Tuesday 29 November, the ITUC will organise a workshop entitled;
Making the Private Sector Accountable. A CSO assessment of the main private sector instruments for development cooperation will be presented and discussed, with a particular emphasis on innovative public finance mechanisms that can help mitigate risk for private investor (PPPs, blending).
One year after the United Nations adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Nairobi high-level meeting will prioritise actions to make development co-operation more effective across a diverse group of actors. To achieve the SDGs by 2030, it is vital to agree on specific policies and actions that will minimize transaction costs for developing countries and improve the quality of development co-operation partnerships. Delivering on financial commitments is also essential.
The Global Partnership aims to ensure that development cooperation – including Official Development Assistance (ODA) and other forms of development finance –are based on the principles of country ownership, achieving results, inclusive partnerships, and transparency and accountability. These principles are firmly anchored in the Addis Ababa Action Agenda agreed at the 3rd International Conference on Financing for Development in July 2015.
The Global Partnership is co-chaired by Goodall Edward Gondwe, Minister of Finance, Economic Planning & Development, Malawi; Claudia Ruiz Massieu Salinas, Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Mexico; and Lilianne Ploumen, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, The Netherlands. A 24-member multi-stakeholder Steering Committee provides strategic guidance, representing governments; civil society organizations; parliamentarians; the private sector; foundations; local and regional governments; and international organizations. The OECD and UNDP provide support to the Global Partnership.