COTU-K Conducts a Successful Funds Drive in Support of Veteran Leaders in Labour Sector

Under leadership of Bro. Atwoli, the trade union movement in Kenya has truly lived to its ideals of taking care of the welfare of its present and former leaders among other prominent personalities in need; this being the true meaning of its clarion call of being keepers of their brother and sisters.
On Saturday 16th September 2017, COTU-K Conducted a Successful funds drive in support of veteran trade unionists who are in urgent and dire need of financial aid. Among the three beneficiaries of the funds drive is Bro Oduya Oprong, one of the longest serving labour leader in the country. Bro Oduya served as an Assistant Minister in the Ministry of Labour. He has been ailing for years following an incident that left him with a bullet lodged in his skull and doctors advised against its extraction. This situation has bled his family financially due to the huge bills incurred to nurse him.
The second beneficiary is one of COTU – K’s longest serving Executive Board Members Bro. Francis O’Lore, whose daughter has been confined in the Intensive Care Unit of a hospital for over a year. This has left the family with a huge bill to be settled. The final beneficiary is Sister Lornah Emoi, a retired civil servant who also appealed to the leadership of COTU-K for financial support.
Slightly over 2.5 million shillings drive was raised at the hugely successful funds drive. At the end of the drive all the trade unionists present directed that due to the dire needs of Bro. Oprong and Bro O’Lore both of them will be given a million each with the balancing handed to Sis. Emoi.