COTU-K/NHIF Joint Press Conference in Naivasha on the New NHIF Scheme

COTU-K/NHIF Joint Press Conference in Naivasha on the New NHIF Scheme where COTU threatened to move to court and sue employers withholding members contributions to NHIF.

After two days of fruitful deliberations the two parties agreed on several issues key among them being that membership contribution shall be pegged on employees basic pay as opposed to gross pay and agreed to further lobby the relevant parliamentary committee to fast track the same amendments in the NHIF Act. Present were NHIF Chairman Mohamud Ali, CEO Simon Ole Kirgotty and COTU Secretary General Francis Atwoli who said employers defaulting on remittances will end up in court. ‘We have instructed our lawyers to assist NHIF to ensure workers don’t loose a single coin. This is a criminal offense and it is a serious problem, ‘ said Mr. Atwoli


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