SG’s Speech at the General Congress of GTUWA in Egypt.

The speech of Dr. Francis Atwoli, Nom (DZA), CBS, EBS, MBS
The General Congress of the General Trade Union of Workers’ in Agriculture, Irrigation, Fisheries and Land Reclamation in The Arab Republic of Egypt
Dear colleagues,
First of all, I would like to extend my deep greetings and gratitude to:
- His Excellency Brother Mohammed Saa’fan (Minister of Manpower)
- His Excellency Brother. Gebaly Mohammed (President of E.T.U.F)
- Brother Eid Mersal (President of GTUWA)
- Brother ABDUL Aziz (Vice — President of GTUWA)
- Ramadan (General Secretary of GTUWA)
- Samy Mohammed (Treasurer of GTUWA)
- And other distinguished officials of the union and members of both secretariats and executive board
- I want to pay my special tribute to the two fallen heroes of this union, Brother Eng. Abdel Haleem Mohamed who passed on in 2012 and Brother. Mohamed Salim who passed on this year on the 24th of March 2021.
- The two were most respectful and veteran African Trade Union leaders not only in Egypt but in the entire Nile Basin Region as they championed for total trade union unity in this region by articulating problems facing workers in the Agricultural sectors of our grappling economics on the continent of Africa.
- The two departed champions of social justice were very instrumental information of “The Federation of Nile Basin Agriculture Trade Unions” headquartered here in Cairo, Egypt.
- I want to thank my Brother Eid on the solidarity he exhibited in making sure that the union was responsible for the medication and warm send-off of Brother Mohamed Salim.
- I equally to take this special opportunity to very highly thank Brother Eid for inviting me with my delegation from Kenya to come here in my all capacities as the continental workers’ spokesperson and under the banner of OATUU- President.
- I’m humbled and I have no words in which I can express my happiness on behalf of my delegation for the manner in which we have been warmly treated and cared for. May the Almighty Allah protect the Union leadership under Brother Eid.
- I’m a hundred percent sure that workers in this union stand to benefit more under the able Leadership of Brother Eid. Brother Eid has served this union in different capacities including being the National Treasurer and he has immense knowledge in the administration and management of this organization.
- I want to assure you that in Kenya, both the Kenyan Plantation and Agricultural workers’ Union (KPAWU) and Central Organization of Trade Unions (COTU (K)), that I lead, are committed to ensuring that we protect more than one thousand (1000), Egyptian Workers, working on more than 1500 hectares of land in Kenya. This will be in support of Eid’s efforts to strengthen the relationship between KPAWU, COTU (K), and the GTUWAILR, a project that the minister of manpower His. Excellency. Mohammed Saa’ fan has endorsed.
- COTU (K) also enjoys a very cordial relationship with the Egyptian Trade Union Federation (ETUF), which deputises me at the OATUU level: I’m sorry to inform you that the late Brother Wahab Allah who passed on this year was my deputy — President.
- We have also extended our hand of fraternity and solidarity to the GTUWAILR through Brother Eid by inviting him and the Union’s delegation to visit Kenya, this year, during the 1st week of November.
- It pleases me on behalf of my Organization in Kenya and on behalf of our Government, I extend my warm invitation to his Excellency Mr. Mohamed Saaran to visit Kenya.
- Finally, I wish you all the success in the event of your wonderful congress and your activities in the service and welfare of GTUWA and its affiliated members.
I thank you all — God bless you!