Fake News Being Attributed to COTU (K) Secretary General

Fake News Being Attributed to COTU (K) Secretary General
Full Labour Day Speech by COTU-K Secretary General Bro. Francis Atwoli

I wish to take great exception to purported news being circulated in the social media as well as on other platforms and allegedly being attributed to me as having convened a press conference on the current political stalemate in the country during which I apparently castigated the Deputy President William Ruto

The author of the said fake news one Owiti Owayo is a stranger to me and an individual I have no idea of whether real or not and wish to urge all Kenyan to ignore such propaganda being driven by certain individuals for their own selfish ends.

As COTU (K) Secretary General I am and will not allow to be branded anti-Jubiliee or anti- Nasa nor anti-any other political outfit since my position and particularly the membership I lead cut across all the political divides in the country and equally all these outfits are as a result of the expanded democracy that as Kenyans we have fought for over the years.

The crisis this country finds self in today is of a political nature and thus requires a political solution hence our position remains that let our politicians speak to each other, dialogue on the issues they don’t agree on in the interest of the country and this will allow Kenya to move forward.


Francis Atwoli,NOM(DZA),EBS,MBS



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