ILO – Workshop on Child Labour, Forced Labour & Youth Employment

The lLO Bureau for Workers’ Activities (ACTRAV) in conjunction with COTU-K successfully organized a sub-regional trade union workshop on;
“Child Labour, Forced Labour and Youth Employment in Eastern and Southern African“
The two day workshop that was held on 8th and 9th of May 2017 was hosted by COTU-K at its flagship Tom Mboya Labour College in Kisumu.
The goal of the workshop was to evaluate and examine the role of trade unions and their actions in the fight against child labour and forced labour in the sub region, The workshop also took stock of trade union achievements and challenges and proposed new initiatives to be incorporated in the fight against child labour, forced labour and youth employment in preparation of the IV Global Conference on Child Labour, Forced Labour and Youth Employment to be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina in November 2017.
Participants actively participated in the proceedings and deliberations, making rich contributions through giving accounts of their own experiences and lessons learned from successful and innovative policies, programmes, practices and intervention models. The workshop also had high-level technical thematic discussions geared to further consolidate global commitment to the joint efforts in accelerating the pace of elimination of child labour, in order to secure its end by the year 2025 as stated in target 8.7 of the Sustainable Development Goals.