Meeting for General Secretries and Shopstewards

The central organization of trade Unions (COTU-K) hold a meeting for Shopstewards in the morning of 9th April 2017 at Solidarity Building the home of COTU (K). The meeting will be first preceded by that one of all General Secretaries from all affiliate unions. Shopstewards particularly those from Nairobi and its environs are encouraged to attend the meeting without failure so as to have a chance to raise their grievances to the Secretary General.
The meeting to be televised live on National TV stations will be addressed by the Secretary General of COTU-K Bro. Atwoli who is expected to brief the trade unionist on preparations of the upcoming Labour Day Celebrations and particularly the crucial role played by workers in preparing for Floats for the labour day procession and parade by different employers. He is expected also to address the issue of Minimum wage increase which has been an issue of national debate in recent weeks. The meeting will also be addressed by all COTU-(K) Executive Board Members and General Secretaries from affiliates who will be present.