The tripartite partners agreed and signed a Memorandum of Understanding between The Central Organization of Trade Unions in Kenya COTU (K) and Federation of Kenya Employers, FKE and Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, MOLSP.
The unprecedented events as a result of the COVID-19 that has since become a global human threat has greatly affected workers and the MOU is aimed at shielding the workers in this tough times.
The MOU promotes social dialogue including negotiations on working hours and compensation of workers in the Covid-19 pandemic period and it operates on the spirit of protecting both the enterprises and workers from the adverse effects of Covid-19.
There is a great emphasis on Occupational Safety and Health at work places and safety of those working from home. Use of Personal Protective wear such as mask and social distancing is highly encouraged by the MOU.
Promoting safety at work places is a priority highlighted in the MOU to minimize infections at work places. Work spaces such as Kenya Ports Authority have been hit by Covid-19 but there have been great improvements in terms of observing the Ministry of health guidelines.
The MOU is protecting workers and promote decent work even in the difficult circumstances brought about by Covid-19 and in the past 2 months though full of new developments workers have a safe landing in the MOU.