The Central Organization of Trade Unions, COTU (K) as the umbrella workers’ body in the country takes great exception to reports appearing in a section of the media linking the formation of “a third political force” to a group of trade Unionists.

COTU (K) with a total affiliation of over forty two (42) trade unions enjoys a bigger constituency across the country than any political party and it would be demeaning and retrogressing for COTU (K) to initiate any process aimedat formation of a political party and at the same time our membership is drawn from a diverse political background and such a move will only divide them along the resultant political persuasions.

As a workers’ body, COTU (K)’s policy has always been to work with the government of the day and criticize it whenever such actions are not in the interest of workers and equally with the nature of our political landscape where tribal undertones continue to dominate our politics, this would be the last route for COTU (K) to take

Our members continue to enjoy their constitutional right to join any political party of choice and any attempts to infringe on this right will no doubt portend a trade union movement not keen on addressing its members’ terms and conditions of workers but slowly drifting towards the murkypolitical waters that majority of our politicians have turned into a business.

COTU (K) will continue to discharge its mandate as given to us by our three million (3M) plus members without favor nor leaning towards any political party and remain steadfast, firm towards any issues affecting workers both locally and globally.

Francis Atwoli, EBS, MBS



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