The Central Organization of Trade Unions Kenya COTU (K) is highly disturbed by persistent increases and disruption of services by Kenya Power since the interruption especially that of tokens has been consistent for the last few months and it is becoming worse hence slowing down our economy, hurting workers and largely troubling all Kenyans.
As COTU (K) we do question who are the owners of Vendit limited Pay bill number (521200) and Dynamo pay bill number (800904). These Companies are a set up to milk poor Kenyans who are buying electricity tokens. They charge a premium for each transaction at extra cost for Kenyans. What is the logic of buying token for Kshs. 100 and you are charged Kshs. 22?
Kenyans have been cut off power because of these changes in payment that are eventually aimed at looting money from Kenya power. Kenya power has the capacity to provide the service along with Safaricom Limited using Pay bill number (888880). These other companies are still using Safaricom Limited for their services, thus the third parties do not add any value and are a plan to loot money from Kenya Power.
Stability in electricity services is essential for economic growth since any disruptions and increase in its costs affects workers who have already witnessed hiking of electricity costs and have been forced to dig deeper in their pockets. We have seen new members being connected to the national grid leading to increases in consumption of electricity, their money should be protected.
We are tired of reports of inefficient systems to manage electricity since they have spiral effects. They affect the cost of production for business especially for small scale businesses. Further, the increases will trigger inflation thus, lowering the purchasing power of workers and Kenyans as a whole.
COTU (K) urges the government to intervene and take immediate remedial actions to tame these companies that are eying to loot Kenya Power. We demand immediate intervention from the government more so the Ministry of Energy and Petroleum.
Francis Atwoli, NOM (DZA), EBS, MBS