Reasonable Accomodation of Workers with Disabilities

Reasonable Accomodation of Workers with Disabilities
COTU (K) and USAID Kenya Jointly Organizaed a workshop to train COTU (K) affiliate Unions on Retention and Reasonable accomodation of Workers with Disabilities in the World of Work. The two days workshop was held at COTU (K)’s Headquaters Solidarity Building on 14th and 15th August 2023 with the support of Sightsavers, today. Union Organizers and Industrial Relations Officers were trained on disability inclusion. The objective of the workshop was to train the aforementioned group on how unions can help with increasing the retention of workers with disability at places of work.
The worshop was facilitated by Prof. Jacob Omollo -Kenyatta University, Mr. Kephas odhiambo- Ministry of labour and Social Protection, Sis. Salome Mutua Sight Savers and Sis. Selina Ngei COTU (K). These facilitators provided insights and educated participants on legal frameworks related to disability accommodations, shared best practices for fostering an inclusive workplace, and discussed ways to overcome challenges in providing reasonable accommodations.
The workshop demonstrates COTU (K)’s commitment to promoting inclusivity and equal opportunities for all workers, regardless of their abilities. Further, COTU (K) continues to champion for inclusive and diverse workforce, where the talents and skills of workers with disabilities are recognized and valued.