Revelations by one of social media platform that is facebook specifically a page called Kenya Political forum has been posting malicious statements that are going viral on social media against the President Uhuru Kenyatta attributed to the Secretary General of COTU (K) Francis Atwoli, one of the messages state that;
“We cannot risk giving Uhuru Kenyatta another five years. An extension of such opportunity would leave the country more wounded and dry. We would be unfair to ourselves, to the future generation, and to God. Kenya is greater that uhuru more than a million times. – Atwoli.”
The Secretary General of COTU (K) Bro. Francis Atwoli has been out of the country from 27th of October attending the ILO governing body in Geneva and those circulating derogatory statement against President Uhuru Kenyatta and attributing it to the Secretary General of COTU (K) Bro. Francis Atwoli should not be listened to. COTU (K) and Bro. Francis Atwoli recognizes the institution of the Presidency and at no time has He singled out individual in the name of President Uhuru Kenyatta as propagated on social networks such as twitter, facebook, whatsApp and any other social media platform that the said derogatory statements might have been propagated.
“I want to inform Kenyans that this is propaganda, and whoever has an issue with the President should tackle him directly, Since Francis Atwoli does not speak through proxies or agents. Any such malicious statements attributed to me are fallacious, and their propagators hiding behind parody accounts or otherwise should know better.”
Francis Atwoli NOM (DZA), EBS, MBS