Kenyans Should Embrace Politics of Tolerance

The Central Organistion of Trade Unions, COTU (K) condemns the chaotic scenes witnessed yesterday in Migori during a rally addressed by President Uhuru Kenyatta and as the Workers Umbrella body in the country wish to caution all Kenyans particularly the youth to learn to embrace the politics of tolerance irrespective of their political inclination.

The Institution of the Presidency constitutionally remains the highest in the country as a symbol of National Unity and Uhuru Kenyatta as the holder of the office should be accorded all the respect required of the office and his visit to any part of the country should never be reduced to be likened to any other politician from the ruling Jubilee Coalition visiting.

As the Head of State and Commander-in-Chief of our Defense forces, President Kenyatta should not have any fears visiting any part of Kenya because he is the President of one Republic of Kenya and irrespective of whether one voted for him or not and should such chaos be allowed then the rest of the Political leaders will be even in bigger problems from similar hooliganism.

It is unfortunate and regrettable that fifty years after our independence we as Kenyans are still unable to embrace upon different shades of our political divide and show any form of tolerance whereupon the incident in Migori sets a dangerous precedence in the country that if not condemned by all, will subject the Institution of the presidency to ridicule and this will be the beginning of Chaos in this country with workers who are our members remaining to bear the heaviest of the burden.

Equally the president’s visit and presentation of a Kshs 1 Billion cheque to sugar factories in Nyanza with both farmers and workers as beneficiaries deserved applaud from the region especially from the youth rather than use the president’s rally to express their anger reminiscent of the 1969 violence where innocent lives were lost as a result of uncalled for political supremacy.

Francis Atwoli, EBS, MBS


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